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5 Social Media Tips

5 Social Media Tips

5 Things You Need to Know About Social Media Keeping up with all that is changing on a daily basis is a full-time job by any measure. In addition, a lot of us have just now embraced the fact that we indeed have to be not merely involved with social media, but actively...
New Facebook Look

New Facebook Look

Get Ready for a New Facebook Pages Update Just when you thought you can take it easy, Facebook is bringing around a new Pages update that will need your attention if you are intent on getting the most from your business pages. Thankfully, the changes are primarily...
Auto Repair Shops Social Media

Auto Repair Shops Social Media

What can your small business do with social media? It’s easy to understand how a small business might be confused on the exact use of social media in their business. With all the attendant working parts of a marketing initiative like this, no one could be blamed...
How To Measure Social Media

How To Measure Social Media

How to measure effectiveness in social media Since we’re all aware that along with the incredible promise of social media comes the requisite time and energy involved, we should avail ourselves of a way to measure the effectiveness of these efforts, otherwise we...
5 Social Media Tips

Social Sharing

How to increase the chances of your content getting shared These days it’s abundantly clear that having your content socially shared widely is a marvelous way to increase leads and sales. The near-instant ability to have your products and services touted far...
Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Merge Your Social Media with Your Email to Increase your Reach! Social media is an excellent way to reach a lot of people with your messages that you may not have established a relationship with. This will not only help you to reach a far wider audience, you can do it...