How to measure effectiveness in social media

Since we’re all aware that along with the incredible promise of social media comes the requisite time and energy involved, we should avail ourselves of a way to measure the effectiveness of these efforts, otherwise we waste tons of time and money.

This is far more than simply checking the numbers of Likes and pages shares you’re getting. We’re talking about how effective your social media is at bringing you the results you want. Let’s have a look at a few ways to get this done.

5 Ways to measure social media effectiveness

  1. Use tools to keep track of your social media presence – Fortunately for us there are many great tools out there, some free and most paid (but not very expensive) that can help you measure your social media effectiveness. Some of these are tools like,, and In addition to that, each of the big social media platforms also have some tools to assist you, and there’s also always Google Analytics.
  2. Quantify engagement – Simply because they’re there doesn’t mean they’re doing anything, or being impacted by your content. Checking the actions taken by particular visitors can help you understand the ROI of that particular, post, platform or campaign.
  3. Look hard at CTR – By tracking campaigns on a granular level right through to your desired action, whether it is sales or other, you can get a handle on how much your efforts are truly paying off.
  4. Compare referrers – Each source of social traffic is going to be different, and therefore you should evaluate each of them with an eye toward ROI. Just because one referrer sends a significant amount more visitors than another may not mean they convert as well!
  5. Create campaign specific landing pages – One of the best ways for you to make things easier is by building campaign specific landing pages. This will let you clearly view how well that one is working for you.

Setting up a system that helps you track and measure your social media marketing will be a major help in determining how well it’s working for you. Get this in motion today!